How to Meditate

meditation, Yoga

When starting meditation as a beginner, it's important to follow simple steps.

Begin by preparing your mind, ideally in the early morning. 
Find a quiet space to sit down with your legs crossed on the floor.
Relax your body and keep your spine straight. 
Slowly close your eyes and scan your body, focusing on each body part one by one. After the scan, concentrate on your breathing.
Inhale and then exhale and count to ten.
Next, focus on the sensation of both your inhale and exhale.
If thoughts arise, acknowledge them without reacting and refocus on your breathing.
Through practice, your thoughts will diminish, and your awareness will increase.
When you feel ready to finish, tell yourself it's time to end the meditation, slowly open your eyes, and relax your body. 

Aim to practice this for 10 to 15 minutes daily. This simple practice can help relax your mind.

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