July 14, 2011

Being in touch with self.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not
in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.”

~ Marcel Proust

“There is but one cause of failure and that is
a man’s lack of faith in his true self.”

~ William James

“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”
-Mark Twain

Power lies not in being right, but in being real.

Every day, we experience mental and emotional influences and often lose touch with our true selves in the name of socialization. However, for our inner peace, it's important to listen to our own voice. We can follow a simple process to achieve this, which involves two steps:

1. Getting to know yourself: This step involves gaining a deeper understanding of our tendency to hide behind various masks and being willing to examine them.
2. Choosing to be yourself: By being true to yourself, we can move away from inner emotional turmoil and towards feeling lighter, liberated, and happy.

Meditation is a powerful tool in this process of self-examination and self-understanding.